About Us » Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Mountain View is a student-oriented school, and it is our belief that the curriculum must be able to meet individual demands placed upon it by its students. It is expressed by the entire staff that, “we accept every student as we find them, and we work from there.” We teach by example, set high standards, and strive to increase the repertoire of positive options available to our students.  

Learning is taken seriously at Mountain View, and it is considered to be a much broader term than the mastery of reading, writing and arithmetic. At Mountain View we strive to develop the whole student, and we look upon every one as an adult in the making. We intend to facilitate the development of citizens who are fully capable of taking their rightful place in society. Our goal is that these citizens will be risk takers, problem solvers, compassionate, and capable of leadership within the global community.

Driving Mountain View’s philosophy is an understanding of human development. We accept the fact that people develop at different rates, at different times, and that “normal” development can be negatively affected by a variety of outside influences. We believe that learners learn best when they are in an environment that is nurturing and accepting, and that children do not learn from people they do not like or perceive as not liking them. Respect is a key element at Mountain View.

Mountain View students are encouraged to feel ownership of their school and to use it to the fullest. Student participation is encouraged in all areas, both curricular and extra-curricular. The staff works hard to develop opportunities for all of our students. We do not believe that there is any value in homogeneous grouping: in fact, we feel that ultimately leads to unfairness and exclusion. Academic demands are tailored to the individual based upon professional knowledge, experience, and understanding. At Mountain View, we strive toward helping all students envision themselves as successful.